
CASS Helping the Environment

CASS are working with R&M Williams on the Cardiff University Bute Building to improve the building energy efficiency.

The work started a few days before the Christmas holiday and the scaffolding team worked through the holidays to ensure that the client stayed on schedule for the works to be carried out.  The scaffolding must be completed for the re-roofing to make the building more energy efficient.

All aspects of scaffolding are being erected externally and internally to ensure that the building remains live during the works and with little or no disruption to the day to day running of the facility.

“It’s great to be working with R&M Williams again and on this iconic building in the capital.  The team has pulled together in getting this project to where it is and I can’t thank them enough under the leadership of Nick Carey” said Tom Gent, CASS Managing Director.

#ThisisCASS #Scaffolding #CardiffUniversity #ButeBuilding

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