
CASS Supports Mental Health Day

CASS are recognising the Mind World Mental Health Day on Saturday 10th October and the importance of being able to talk.

Tom Gent, CASS Managing Director has been involved in helping a past employee who has suffered with mental health problems for many years.  The young man worked at CASS for a few years and moved on to another role within the construction industry.  During this time, he suffered and struggled with personal issues and couldn’t see a way forward.

Having visited the doctor who prescribed the strongest medication to help with his anxiety he felt he was finally on the right road.  He then spoke to Tom who listened to what had happened and became a mentor to this young man just by listening and talking through the problems and concerns he had.  Tom has been speaking with him regularly over the last couple of years and especially during the last few months because of COVID.

He has spoken to Tom in the last couple of weeks and stated that he didn’t actually start taking the medication as he felt that the support that he has received from Tom helped him understand what he was going through and to focus on the positive things he had his in life.  He is now working full-time and enjoying his life once more, and truly believes that having Tom to speak to and just listen helped him through his darkest times.

“I don’t think I have done anything more than be a friend to this young man, he worked for me at one point and we never lost touch.  When he spoke to me about what he was going through there was no question of me wanting to help him in any way I could.  I would do this for anyone within the CASS family and really want everyone to know that it is good to talk.  We are not alone and sometimes we just need to be aware that there are people everywhere that can help – even if it is in a small way” said Tom.

#MentalHealth #ItsGoodToTalk #BeThere #ThisisCASS

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