
The latest “new build” part of the restoration of the old Bristol General Hospital nears completion

CASS continue to work very closely with developers City and Country on the restoration of the listed former hospital building in Bristol City centre.

The latest phase of this transformation has been the construction of an eight storey apartment block with underground car parking. The new building is situated on the south side of the site in an area formerly occupied by non-listed hospital buildings that were demolished at the very start of this project.

CASS erected 11 lifts of scaffolding to provide safe working access for all trades. The tasteful addition to the restored hospital project will be completed in the very near future. Brian Davies, CASS Contracts Manager, said “We are making excellent progress with the complex and delicate restoration of this beautiful building. This new build part of the project has allowed the CASS team to demonstrate the wide spectrum of skills we are able to offer on a diverse project like this.”

The next major step for CASS will be the erection of another complex temporary roof over the water tower of the hospital at the south western corner of the site. Watch this space for more news and photos when the roof is erected.


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